Geographic Information Systems Specialist (Bucknell University)
"Bucknell University seeks to hire a Geographic Information Systems Specialist for the Library and Information Technology organization... The primary responsibilities of this position are to develop, expand, and support a GIS user community by assisting students and faculty in the selection and use of appropriate GIS technologies; working with faculty and students in designing and executing projects using GIS; and providing instructional support in GIS."While this position does not have the title Librarian and while a library degree is not required, this sounds quite similar to my responsibilities here. And, of course, this position does indeed reside in Bucknell's Library. With a salary of $40,000 - $60,000 this position sounds pretty fantastic for a GIS professional looking for an academic position.
Data Service Librarian (New York University)
"New York University is seeking an energetic, creative, and knowledgeable librarian to select, acquire, manage, and deliver numeric and geospatial data collections to support campus research and scholarship."Some snippets:
- The librarian will build numeric and spatial data collections and facilitate access to additional data resources across the sciences
- Reporting to the Data Service Coordinator, the Data Service Librarian works to develop appropriate description for managing research data collections; investigates new sources for metadata; keeps abreast of new and evolving metadata standards such as the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) and Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) standards.
- The incumbent will develop and maintain awareness of data-centered initiatives across the sciences, attending professional meetings, workshops and conferences for training and continuing professional development.
- Requirements: Basic familiarity with software for statistical and geospatial analysis (e.g. SAS, SPSS, Stata, R, GIS applications).
Specific salary benefits are not mentioned, and considering the cost of NYC especially someplace wiothin an easy commute this perhaps will be a huge factor.